Sunday, May 24, 2020

Bureaucracy A Perfect And Flawless Form Of Organization

In principle adopted by Max Weber, bureaucracy was supposed to be a perfect and flawless form of organization, but with its development it becomes more and more dysfunctional. To finish the consderations about bureaucracy, its influence on the human and its relevance in today’s world it’s worth to present what Raelin thought about this issue. According to him, the usability of bureaucracy and formalization is dependent on the organisational culture. He tried to prove that bureaucracy as a system itself is neutral, that the only factor that can make it become dysfunctional or effective is organisational culture. He based his work on observations of the organisational cultures amongst attorneys. in some of the offices bureaucracy was seen as something very positive and in the other ones proceduralization has lead to discouragement and loss of motivation. There are no clear criterias to be able to foresee when the negative effects of the bureaucracy will appear . Looking a t Raelin’s research one can see that bureaucracy can lead to dysfunction, but not always. Bureaucratic system is believed to be the oldest organisational system known to human. Undoubtedly it had a big influence on the civilisation, without it probably the cities would not have been established, would not have developed as qucikly as they did. Bureaucracy is still relevant in everyday’s life, it is present in the multinational companies, governments, army etc.. In summary, bureaucracy often leads toShow MoreRelatedClassical And Human Relations Approaches3534 Words   |  15 Pagesmodern world and his heritage is visible in many modern management techniques like operation research, method study, time management, systematic study of work and workers, management by exceptions etc. Taylor felt that the ideal condition for an organization to flourish is to work like machines without flexibility, creativity and originality. 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This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper SaddleRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 PagesCopyright O 2006 by John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic , mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay about Math and Criminal Justice - 693 Words

Math and Criminal Justice Danielle DeCook MM150-66 Survey of Mathematics Instructor Lisa James July 8, 2010 A Career in the Criminal Justice Field There are so many career options in the Criminal Justice field I have not been able to decide exactly what I want to do yet but I am very interested in possibly becoming a Criminologist. While doing my research I have seen that Math is used in every aspect of Criminal Justice from law enforcement using math to work car accidents, drug raids, crime scenes, and sometimes just using math to figure up crime statistics in their area. A Criminologist will use statistical principles such as probability in criminal profiling, which is a way they attempt to put together a profile†¦show more content†¦(GRAPH OF FINDINGS OF NEXT PAGE REPRESSENTED BY FIG. 1) (Fig. 1) Once we looked at the information obtained it was hard to say for sure whether or not the nurse had anything to do with spike in deaths on the shifts she was present for. My superiors wanted to know if the number of deaths occurred while the nurse was working was so unlikely that is could be a mere coincidence. So I reviewed an 18 month period of time and figured up deaths on shifts she worked and the death on shifts she did not. (Represented by fig.2). (Fig. 2) If the deaths are assumed to have happened randomly these numbers suggest that the probability of a death on any one shift is 98 deaths out of 1322 patients or .074. Looking at just the shifts that the nurse was working there were 276. If the nurse was killing the patients we would expect there would be around .074 x 276 = 20.4 deaths on her shifts, around 20-21 deaths. To be exact she had a total of 52 deaths on her shifts. When looking at the facts the probability of there being 52 deaths out of the total of 98 deaths there is less than a 1 in a million. So in other words the nurses shift was not just unlucky for patients. This is how I would use math in my field one day. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Week 1 Business Trends Assignment Free Essays

Week 1 Business Trends Assignment Tanahya Young XCOM/285 ESSENTIALS OF MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION 3/3/2013 ALISA JACKSON Communicating on the Job The communication involvement daily is a valued part of my process to complete the details of duties outline in my position description. I am required to listen to the spoke and unspoken during interactions with clients. My organization requires that myself and team members have efficient communication with each other and the clients that require our professional assistance. We will write a custom essay sample on Week 1 Business Trends Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now The communication with in the office must stay a flow along with all lines of the process. There is an immediate demand for effective communication from the processing department, to the office and directly to the client themselves. Management with Communication Technology maintains and organizes my daily activities. Technology advancements provide instant communication with the click of a button. I use several computer software databases daily to access much needed information. Moreover, technology makes communications across the globe seem much closer. Instant communication access assists daily with contacting others with in the organization in other locations especially since many are in other locations. Almost all office employees are expected to know how to navigate through the Web and to use word processing, e-mail, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software. Trends in Business Communication Keeping a look out for trends in business in my organization is a way of supplying efficient customer service. When there is a trend identified the communication factor is a must to get the message out. The next line of business once a trend has been identified is to define and map out a plan for resolving the issue. Identifying trends and solving the issue of the trend is a team effort. There is involvement with revealing where the issue evolved from and all of the subject matter that created the issue. Then there is a process of elimination with every team member’s input on their take of the trend where email, Same Time communications and direct letters to clientele for notification. How to cite Week 1 Business Trends Assignment, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Sex Education in Malaysia free essay sample

Nowadays, there are many social problems related to teenagers in our country especially baby dumping. The government had announced that the way to overcome this problem is sex education should be taught to children at their early age. However, on my point of view children are too young to learn sex education and teachers are not confident in teaching sex education. Firstly, children are too young to learn sex education. This is because at the early age, children are eager to try new things and get new experiences. Therefore, when they learn sex education, it will make them to practice it and lead them to have early intercourse. Furthermore ,children also known as bad decision makers. This is because children are too young and immature, therefore they do not know to differentiate the goods and bad for them. When, they learn sex education, they will exposed to a new environment which they do not have any boundary to discuss about sex without knowing the negative or positive effects. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education in Malaysia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In conclusion, the idea of sex education be taught to children at their early age should be abolished because children are immature and bad decision makers. Secondly, the idea of sex education should be abolished because teachers are not confident in teaching sex education. This is because teachers have acknowledged the lack of formal training in teaching sex education. Therefore, teachers have difficulties to teach students and it is also will make students less understand the subject which will give many negative effects than positive effects. In addition, sex education contains sensitive issues and this will make teachers difficult to give full explanation about the subject. Therefore, students will become more confused easily. It is because, the teachers do not know the best explanation to make students understand better. In conclusion, the idea of sex education should be abolished because teachers are not well prepared to teach the subject. In conclusion, the idea of sex education be taught to children at their early age should be abolished as it gives many negative effects. Therefore, parents should instill their children with greater Islamic values.